Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Evaluation, Question seven

I answered question seven as an essay:

What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from creating the school magazine (preliminary task), to creating your music magazine?
I feel I have learnt many things from making the preliminary task to finishing my music magazine.

I have learnt that when using Photoshop that time and care must be taken to avoid mistakes and to enhance the image editing. I have learnt that music magazines require more detail and more effort when making the magazine then there appears to be, I have learnt that when taking photos for a music magazine that the angles and the light are the two key elements that must be taken into consideration.

I have learnt that there is more to a making a magazine than there appears to be and how difficult it can be, I have learnt several facts about the making and distributing of magazines. I feel I have learnt many new skills that I did not have before creating a magazine, I have also learnt how to create a blog and how to upload and publish my work onto my blog.

I feel I have learnt and acquired many new skills and knowledge about music magazines that I previously did not have. 

I feel most of the information and skills I have acquired from the making of my prelimenary task and my final magazine are all directed at using Photoshop which is previously a software I had never used before, now I feel confident when using the software that I can achieve what ever I need to do 

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