This contents page is from Q magazine we know this because of the
mast head located in the top left hand corner of the page. The mast head is
bright but it’s small, the bright red of the mast head allows the reader to
identify the magazine as being Q but the size allows for more space for
The main cover image is the largest image on the page, this
leads the reader to identify that the main article of the magazine is most
likely an interview with the band. They can make this assumption from a direct
quote taken from the interview that is put across the image with the page
number next to the quote as a reference to where the interview is in the
The main cover lines are down the side of the contents page,
this is what the magazine features, this allows the reader to see what will be
appearing in the issue and can help the reader to decide to make a purchase of
the magazine. It is an easy, clear and simple layout for the contents page.
There are page numbers with the main articles that may interest the reader and
a brief amount of additional detail underneath the titles.
There is some essential reading information underneath the
main cover lines. This is in a different font it is gold with the word
‘Special’ in the title. This lets the reader know that this is a special
edition magazine and this helps sell more magazines, especially to dedicated
readers or collectors.
The other information is the information that the reader
would expect to see in the magazine like subscriptions and puzzles and competitions.
On the image itself we have a quote from an interview this
quote is designed to draw the reader in for them to want to read more
and in
turn for them to buy it.
There are smaller coverlines that tell the reader what sort
of articles they can expect to read this month like new albums or songs, news
from festivals or from groups and tour information. The image next to these
coverlines informs the reader that there will be a story in the magazine
relating to the image however the article is less important than the main
article associated with the main image.
Contents Cover Two
In this contents page there is a mast head positioned behind the main image. The mast head allows the reader to identify the magazine.
There is only one image on this contents page, this allows the reader to recognise that it may correspond with the main article
There are main coverlines that inform the reader what will be featured in the magazine, what they can expect to see and read.
There are other coverlines which informs the reader as to the other information they can expect to see like fashion.
The contents page is very simple with the layout and with the colours, the theme is grey scale however on the main image we can see a red heart. This can have relevance to the main article and it helps attract the eye of the reader and make them want to read the article to discover why the heart is red.
The fonts are simple and small apart from the word 'contents' which is placed in an unusual way on the page, this catches the eye of the reader and helps keep them interested in the magazine.
Contents Page Three
On this contents page there is a mast head places at the very top right hand corner of the page. Mast heads allow the reader to identify the magazine.
There are several coverlines; the coverlines inform the reader what will be featured in the magazine.
There is one main image in the middle of the page. The image is large and colourful, this catches the reader's eye and the image is unusual therefore makes the reader want to read into the image.
Smaller images on the right hand side of the magazine informs the reader what else to expect to read in the magazine.
As a whole the contents page is bright and colourful attracting the eye of the reader but it is also very simple in the layout which allows the reader to easily identify what article is featured on what page.
The fonts are mostly simple apart from the word 'contents' which is in a different font, the colours of the font is mainly black but there are certain words in blue, these blue words indicate main features in the magazine
Katie, although somewhat brief, you have deconstructed your three chosen contents pages, identifying the various elements and discussed how some of the design considerations appeal to the reader. As with your front cover deconstructions, I would look to be more specific about your chosen texts - what connotations are there of the images used? How are the chosen contents pages similar / different, and what elements might inform your main task construction?